Freee Friendster Skins/Layout/Background: [friendster] Air Play
Paste this code into the "CSS Box" in your Friendster profile
/* {-- css code start --} */ /* - Awesome!!! Friendster Skins */ body {background:#eee url( center center no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed;color:#eee;font-family: verdana, Helvetica, SunSans-Regular, sans-serif;} .usercontent {color: #eee;} .usercontent a, .usercontent a:link, .usercontent a:visited, .usercontent a:hover, .usercontent a:active {color:#eee;} .usercontent a:hover {text-decoration: none;color: #333; background:#aaa} .commonbox {border:#aaa 1px groove;background:transparent;} .commonbox, .evenrow {background-color: transparent;} .commonbox h1, .commonbox h2 {color: transparent;background:transparent;} .controlpanel {background:transparent;} .controlpanel, .imgblock200 {border:0px;} .controlpanel, .q {color: transparent;} .controlpanel, .data {color: transparent;} .data a {color: transparent;text-decoration:none;} a.more {color: transparent;text-decoration:none;} #controlPanelButtons a, #controlPanelButtons a:link, #controlPanelButtons a:visited { color: transparent;border:0px; background:transparent;text-decoration:none;} #controlPanelButtons a:hover {color: #eee;text-decoration:none; background:#666; } .moreabout {background: transparent;} .photos {background: transparent;} .friends {background: transparent;} .videos {background: transparent;} .groups {background: transparent;} .testimonials {background: transparent;} .testimonialscomments {background: transparent;} .scrapbook {background: transparent;} .fanof {background: transparent;} .myfans {background: transparent;} .reviews {background: transparent;} .blogs {background: transparent;} .blogsreviews {background: transparent;} .data {font-family: Arial, Sans-serif;color:#eee;} .commonbox, .viewall {color: transparent;} .commonbox, .imgblock75, .ir {border:0px;background:transparent;} .commonbox, .dr {color: transparent;background: transparent;} /* {-- css code end --} */

About Me Code:

Copy the "CSS code" above and put the code inside your "Customize CSS" box, and the "About Me" in your About Me Box

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